In Memory of







Warner-Wozniak Funeral Service
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2014-08-16 18:08:57
Prieres Family
Thank you for coming into Matthew's life and taking such good care of him. All the art he brought home was absolutely beautiful because of your amazing talent. I knew you were special from the first day we met you. We miss your beautiful face. We have been praying since we found out and still continue to pray every single day for you and your family. You are an angel in heaven that is now looking down upon us. May God be with you always! Love you!
2015-08-18 21:39:26
Barbara, Fran & Frank Schmidt
Jackie,Nick, Maddie & the Maskal Family Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. REST IN PEACE KIM.
2014-08-25 23:24:32
Kathy Isaac
Dear Kim, I feel blessed to have known you! I hope you are at peace.I know that you are now a guardian angel to Jackie, Nick and Maddie and will look down on them everyday for the rest of their lives. I will pray for you, your children and your family. You will be missed!!
2014-08-19 18:03:49
Gladys & Vinnie Pirruccio
May the light of your love shine bright in the smile of your children.
2014-08-19 14:27:24
Lisa & Mike Paglia
Our deepest and heartfelt condolences on the loss Kimberly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. -The Paglias
2014-08-19 12:47:20
The Calixte Family
Rest in peace Mrs Giz. My daughter Chiarra will cherish every moment she shared with you. May the Lord bring consolation to the family especially the children. You will be miss.
2014-08-18 23:45:11
Jackie Francica
To the family and friends of Kim, I send my deepest condolences. Kim was such a genuinely beautiful mom, inside and out. She will be missed by so many. To Kim - we gave Jackie a guardian angel pin, similar to the one we received when our father passed. It's a little reminder that she has the most beautiful guardian angel watching over her and her siblings. Liz and I will do anything for your kids. You raised three amazing children. Rest in the sweetest peace.
2014-08-18 22:48:11
The Moore Family
Such a gifted, kind and patient person. You touched so many lives and all the kids loved you. Our most heartfelt thoughts & prayers to the family.
2014-08-18 21:12:12
You know who I am you are now in a place where is no pain no sorrow may Jesus hold you in his holy arms .
2014-08-18 20:50:30
Peter Santero
I am so sorry to here of Kim's passing. I pray for her parents and children that they could find peace. We do not realize how important and precious ones life is until they are gone. I am sure Kim's with her grandma looking down and watching over her family . God Bless
2014-08-18 20:20:13
The Schielke family
Ms. Giz, You left us too soon. We are heartbroken. I have been praying everyday since I found out. You were an artist and every art project Pablo brought home from pre- k 3 was thought out so well and beautiful. I will remember seeing you in your classroom through the glass windows as you sat on your desk while I was picking up my kids. You are in peace now and I know you will be looking over all your children. You are a star in the heavens.
2014-08-18 19:22:48
The Batchelor Family
Kim was an amazing person friend and mother. She will be missed greatly. All our love to the family. May Kim Rest in Peace.
2014-08-18 17:28:14
Laurie LaTesta
May you finally be in peace..
2014-08-18 15:32:59
Eleanor Arena
You are missed so much. You were the best art teacher. My family and I are heartbroken, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
2014-08-18 15:10:49
Olivia Jurado
Kimberly I will remember you always, I thank God we had the last talk, we said hi and you gave me a smile. I always was happy to clean your classroom to make sure you were happy to see it clean. RIP Kimberly and my condolence to the family and friends.
2014-08-18 11:45:26
Benji Peiffer
I will miss you Ms. Giz, the art classes will not be the same without you. Rest in peace.
2014-08-18 11:42:36
Keith, Joann, Megan & Matthew Brown
Our Hearts are Broken- May Kim Rest in Peace
2014-08-18 10:45:30
Ruth Steeg Drummond
A second cousin that will be missed by everyone. You left us way to soon.
2014-08-18 10:43:17
Uncle bill & Aunt Rhonda Kraemer
I loved you the day since you were will always be in our hearts..we will always miss you RIP ....our sweet niece...<3
2014-08-18 09:02:46
Jeanine Vignone
My beautiful and talented friend, my room partner and colleague, I shall miss you.
2014-08-18 08:23:17
My friend I can not believe I am not sure how to do this a hundred times a day I go to send you a message asking you what to do, how to get threw this without my go to person. I miss you more than words can express and I love you always. Thank you for being such a good friend to me I will always treasure the memories we made together. I love you Kim Linda
2014-08-18 07:59:01
You will always be in my heart....
2014-08-18 07:07:49
Mommy and Daddy
Our beautiful daughter. Our first born child. We will never know or understand and we pray to God for answers. Be at peace my angel. Be at peace. Please know how very much we love you and and much joy you have brought to our hearts.
2014-08-18 06:09:40
Maria McKenna and Family
All my life I have believed that angels walk among us. You are, without a doubt, Kimberly, one of the most beautiful. I know you will continue to share your rays of sunshine with us all and guide your loved ones through this ever-changing world. You have gone home, but your spirit and memories will forever be here with the living.
2014-08-18 00:45:22
The Pereira Family
As a wonderful, sweet, caring person you were not only a great mother to your children, but friend to all. You will be greatly missed and forever in our hearts!
2014-08-18 00:35:42
Anne Marie McCarthy
A wonderful friend, teacher and mom. I will miss her everyday! Jacki, Nicolas, and Maddie and family are in my thoughts and prayers . Until we meet again.
2014-08-18 00:31:01
Debra Silva
Heartbroken...a wonderful mom and caring teacher. I will miss her. An angel taken way before her time. My thoughts and prayers are with her family especially her adorable children. My daughter Sydney just adored her. Deeply saddened....
2014-08-17 22:44:50
Betsy Aguirre
No words can discribe what I feel... My heart goes out to you and your family, May God bless you all and give the strength to make it through this difficult time. With all my love and prayes! Betsy
2014-08-17 14:46:38
Al Conte and Family
You will be missed.
2014-08-17 11:11:17
Mark & Franca Marciano "The Pookies"
A friend, a neighbor, a sister, a mentor. You will be missed. You were beauty inside and out. We loved you.
2014-08-17 10:31:31
Brian and Deb Warner
Our Heartfelt Sympathies to the Giz and Moskal families!
2014-08-16 18:39:43