In Memory of





Condolence From: Danielle
Condolence: Grandma. Its almost a year that you been taken from us to go with god in heaven.. time goes by too fast. I miss you every single minute of every single day. Sometimes I still think your at the nursing home but than I come to reality. I know your prob having a blast up there. I know your with niecy and baby mel and my dog chico who passed away in november. Please take care of him. I miss him very much too. I still can't get over the fact your not here You were a second mother to me. Now your a beautiful angel. We will never forget you grandma. I miss u very much and I love you very much. Iknow your here spritually. I love u grandma. Rest in paradise <3
Thursday January 26, 2012
Condolence From: Brian Mundell
Condolence: Dear Grandma, I Love you and miss you so much. You were the world's Greatest Grandmother. If there was an award you would win it no questions asked. You were always their for your daughters, grandchildren and most important for your husband Mel. Dinners at your house when you cooked were priceless and never will be forgotten and your cooking was amazing. It's sad that your gone, it feels like just a bad dream and I'd wake up soon and go to he nursing home and you will be there. The Pain and hurt will go on in my body, mind, heart and soul. There is one good thing about this is your really aren't gone your in a better place now. I know your looking down on my and will always in my heart and one day after your wake tonight someday we will meet again. I LOVE YOU GRANDMA♥♥♥♥ PS: Please say hi to Niecy and tell Her I love her and miss her so much too. ♥
Wednesday February 23, 2011
Condolence From: Robert Schroeder
Condolence: Dear Debbie, You have the sincere condolences of the Schroeder family for your loss. May your Mom Rest in Peace. May you also find God's strength to move on. Love always Robbie.....and Barbara
Wednesday February 23, 2011
Condolence From: ashley
Condolence: To my Grandmother, my dear new angel, I did not have a chance to say goodbye. I believe in my dreams though, there you will be listening. I miss you so unbelievably much. I know in my heart your up in heaven with your mama,papa, your baby boy and our dear aunt nicey. Your healthy and safe and looking down at us with a smile on your face. I don't want to say goodbye to you tomorrow,it wont be the last time I'll see you and I know that you'll always be with me in spirit. I love you Grandma<3
Wednesday February 23, 2011
Condolence From: Danielle
Condolence: to my precious grandma blanche <3 its been 2 days since you been gone, and i cant believe it. it cant sink into my head. i miss you so much, you were the best grandmother anyone could ever ask for. you were beautiful, caring, funny, kind, sweet, loving, and yourll b remeber as that, you were a excellent mom to yur daughters too. Gabby,Patti, & Debbie. they love u very very much. your husband mel does too.. & yur grandchildren. you were everything to me. why did you have to leave me ? i didnt get a last chance to say goodbye, or that i love you or to tell you how much you mean to me, this isnt real. i feel like its just a really bad dream. 02.20.11 was the worse day of my life. i love you very much grandma. YOU WERE MY HERO <3 =[ Rest In Peace Beautiful. You will be missed. Love your granddaughter Danielle.
Tuesday February 22, 2011
Condolence From: Gabrielle
Condolence: My Wonderful Mom, There are no words to express what I am feeling, just a big void. Thank you so much for "always" being such a wonderful mom to me, and a wonderful grandma to Brian and Danielle. Thank you so much for always being so loving, nurturing, and caring to me and for all you have done for me and my children. You were always so giving . I will never forget our many talks, while having our coffee and always giving me such good advice when I needed it. I always had a special bond with you. I love You So Much Mom, and I Miss you so much. You were and always will mean everything to me. Love Your daughter,Gabby xoxoxo
Tuesday February 22, 2011
Condolence From: Patti
Condolence: Mother (Mom), I wish I had time to tell you so many things that were in my heart, but you left so suddenly, so here goes... I loved the way you would push my hair away from my face when I was sick. I loved the way you would spend all day cooking our favorite meals just to see that meal gone so fast. I loved when we would listen to records together, and how you taught us how to do the twist when we were young. I loved all the memories that gave to me. I loved how you made me the person that I am. But most important mom, I love you, so very much, and I already miss you! Your daughter Patti
Tuesday February 22, 2011
Condolence From: debbie
Condolence: My dear Mother, thank you for always being there for me and Ashley,we will never forget you, when it came to mothers, you were the best, I know that you are in a better place, and with your other children, you are safe, and and will no longer suffer. we will miss you very much, we love you, and may you rest in peace. Your daughter, Debbie
Tuesday February 22, 2011
Condolence From: Lauren Gawron
Condolence: "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day" I love you, Grandma.
Tuesday February 22, 2011